
Thursday, August 20, 2020




Today, Jesus portrays the Kingdom as a wedding banquet where many were invited but not everyone responded to the invitation. Even the one who responded was rejected because he was not “dressed for the occasion.” This says that entry into the Kingdom is not automatic for those who want to enter; it requires a certain status or condition. To be invited means to be chosen as part of God’s family. To be invited is to respond with faith and obedience to God. The dress here is not a garment but a condition of the soul.

There is no question about those who rejected the invitation. They made their decision to separate themselves from God, or worse, reject Him. But those who decide otherwise must still fulfill certain conditions. They must be repentant and resolve never to offend God anymore. They must constantly communicate with God and show their dependence and obedience to Him. They must do acts of charity toward their neighbor. In other words, they must be good disciples. The meaning of the garment worn in baptism must be imbibed in their lives. The soul must be properly dressed, too, in a manner of saying.

Did God want only a few to be saved? Definitely not. When Jesus died on the cross, He died for all. God loves all His creation. His plan was to unite all creation in Jesus and welcome them to His Kingdom. In the Gospel, Jesus wants to give us a positive warning. He communicates His Father’s love. He must have seen how people responded to wedding invitations then. He saw the analogy. He hoped that the message comes across loud and clear.

Let us bear in mind that the Kingdom is a far more serious concern. Jesus wanted to be certain His audience understood Him so that they will not miss the opportunity to enter the Kingdom. Fr. Benny Tuazon

---------- REFLECTION QUESTIONS ----------

Are you ready for the Kingdom? Are you “dressed for the occasion?”

Dearest Father, thank You for dying for us and for opening Your Kingdom to us. Amen.

Today, I pray for: _____________________________

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