
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 22, 2013

I went to Rome for the beatification of Blessed John Paul II in 2011. As part of our pilgrimage, we traveled around Italy. On the way to Cascia to visit the incorrupt body of St. Rita, a companion was amazed at how many saints lived high in the mountains. Italy is a beautiful place surrounded by high mountain ranges that have hosted countless saints. Seeing the place where St. Rita lived was an amazing experience. The monastery where she was mysteriously transported to (legend says her patron saints John the Baptist, Augustine and Nicholas of Tolentino carried her to the convent) overlooks some of the most glorious scenery my eyes will ever behold.
       Legends abound in the life of St. Rita, the patron saint of impossible cases. Bees were seen entering and exiting her mouth as an infant, unbeknown to her, and causing her no harm. Even her relative was asked to bring a rose (in cold January) from the family garden. One rose was found blooming, just for Rita, as a sign of God’s love and affection. She had an incurable wound on her forehead after asking for grace from the Lord to suffer as He did in His lifetime.       
       In today’s reading from Sirach, the author praises the gift of wisdom. Wisdom is seen in feminine form as the one who fills with happiness those who ask for her guidance. Whoever pays attention to wisdom dwells secure. This is true in the case of St. Rita. She fully trusted in the Lord, disciplined as it were by the rod of wisdom.
       The saints inspire us in every age. The Church raises up men and women outstanding in grace and holiness to show us how to live in the wisdom of God. Perhaps, we can take some time today to invoke St.Rita’s loving intercession for those facing crises especially in their married life. St. Rita, pray for us. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you praying for a seemingly impossible situation? Ask for St. Rita’s intercession.
Lord Jesus, help us to follow You as St. Rita did. May her life inspire us to seek You and love You more. Amen.

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