
Friday, November 22, 2013

How are you, in any way, profaning the temple of the Holy Spirit that is your body? - Daily Reflections November 22,2013


Jews throughout the world celebrate a very special holiday, usually sometime in December called the Hanukkah or Festival of Lights. The origin of this is what we read in today’s First Reading: the Maccabee brothers defeated the Gentile army, re-took Jerusalem, reconstructed and rededicated the Temple.
       In the Gospel for today, on the other hand, there is also something about the Temple of Jerusalem. But in this case, Jesus is the one cleansing it. Having been turned into a “den of thieves,” He ejected the traders. He restored its proper identity as a “house of prayer” and a place for Him to teach.
       Finally, our saint for today, St. Cecilia, exemplified in her life and martyrdom the glory of God through the temple of her body — that is, through her total dedication to Him as a virgin (even if her parents arranged her to be married to someone), and her self-offering in death. The account of her martyrdom includes the following statement: “While the profane music of her wedding was heard, Cecilia was singing in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus, her true spouse.” It is for this that she is considered the patron saint of musicians.
       As living temples of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 3:16-17), we too have been dedicated to God through the purifying waters of Baptism. Unfortunately, the defilement and corruption wrought by sin is also a reality for us, continuing to hound or haunt us. But surely it is by no means the last word! Jesus’ salvific sacrifice has brought us cleansing and redemption. More than driving out of vendors or moneychangers, more than any external offering of holocausts and sacrificial animals, and more than any immolation in martyrdom, Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection is the one perfect sacrifice which surpasses all. Every time we commemorate and make present this sacrifice through the Holy Mass, we let that same supreme sacrifice of Jesus renew us once again. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: How are you, in any way, profaning the temple of the Holy Spirit that is your body?
Lord Jesus, help me to see my body as the temple of Your Spirit so that I may have total respect for it.

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