
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Daily Reflections - January 14,2013

Slowly but Surely
A child asked her mother a question, “Mom, where did I come from?” Surprised by the unexpected question, the mother composed herself and, with great caution, answered her child, “When daddy loves mommy, his seed unites with her own seed. And then, an embryo is formed and from that embryo, you grow and mature.” Scratching her head, the child responds, “Why is it so complicated with me? When my teacher asked my classmates where they came from, one said he’s from New York, the other from Chicago while the other is from LA.”
At times, children will catch adults off guard and ask questions, the answers for which they are not yet ready to digest and understand. It takes much wisdom, discernment and patience on the part of adults to determine how to reply and how much of the things of the world to divulge to children.
In today’s First Reading we read, “In times past, God spoke to us in varied and fragmentary ways through the prophets. But now he has spoken to us through His Son” (Hebrews 1:1-2). Like a wise and discerning parent, God spoke to His children “in varied and fragmentary ways,” in bite sizes, in wise installments. Even with the final revelation in Jesus, Jesus Himself acknowledged that “there are many things that I need to tell you but you cannot bear it now” (John 16:12). And so He promised the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, to guide us into all truth. It is the Spirit that will stretch our hearts and enlighten our minds to the mysteries that we need to understand.
This is why we need the Magisterium, the official teaching body of the Church. It is to the Magisterium that the deposit of the faith is entrusted. It is with the Magisterium, assured with the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we will be brought into all truth.
This requires an attitude of humility, communion and a posture of receptivity on our part. We do not discover the mysteries of God in isolation from the Body of Christ, the Church.Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you in touch and in communion with the teaching office of the Church? Have you exerted effort to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church?
Continue to envelop the Church, O Lord, with the Holy Spirit, that she may always lead us to the truths of Your revelation. Amen.

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