
Friday, May 10, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 10,2013


Joy is a characteristic disposition of the Easter days we are celebrating in the Church. The joy of the Risen Lord is our strength. As Job says, if we take happiness from the Lord, we must take sorrow, too. Joy is the fruit of suffering. Jesus gives us a beautiful analogy today as He refers to the joy of His resurrection, like that of a mother giving birth to her child. All the pain and labor is seemingly insignificant to the birth of a child. Think of your joyous moments. Have they been born out of suffering and pain?
Jesus says our hearts are full of joy. Isn’t this the attitude of Mary Magdalene, Mary, Thomas and the Apostles as they see Him again, risen from the dead? Our heads should be raised high these days and never lacking in confidence. We are an Easter people, a people born of Christ’s side. Jesus states that this joy cannot be taken from us. It is the firm conviction that God is in love with us. He caused His Son to rise from the dead. God has taken away our sins through Jesus’ dying and rising. This is the essence of our baptism and victory. With Jesus, we die and rise again.
Joy is not only a disposition, or a fruit of the Spirit. It involves choice. So many things that try to destroy our joy seek our attention. The resurrection is foundational in our faith. There is hope beyond hopelessness and desperate situations. There is strength for those who are weak. There is peace where there has been angst. There is order where there has been chaos. This is the Resurrection of the Lord.
It would be good to take a moment to thank the Lord for all the situations we have encountered in life. See how much joy has been dominant in these experiences. We will see how the Spirit has been guiding our lives. Today, let our hearts rejoice in the Lord. He is risen, He is truly risen! Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
May my heart rejoice in You, Lord. Let my soul find joy and delight in You, my Father. Give me the joy of the resurrection. Amen.

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