
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Daily Reflections - April 12, 2012

Those were very confusing and trying times. The disciples were gathered not only because they were mourning together but because of fear that what befell their master would happen to them as well. Or they were beating their breasts together as they recall how most of them abandoned their master in His hour of need. Matters became even more confusing when news of the Resurrected Christ started to come in. First, the women disciples, then Peter, then these two disciples walking back towards their hometown Emmaus. They must have been thinking among themselves, “Will He appear to us as well? Will He rebuke us for abandoning Him?”
Fear. Confusion. Excitement. Joy. Guilt. Their feelings were just too complex to identify. Then, in the midst of those very disconcerting and bewildering moments, Jesus appeared and said, “Peace be with you!”
Peace is a very wonderful gift. Without it, you can’t think straight. You can’t act rightly. You lose sleep. You become cranky. You withdraw from people. You sulk in loneliness and despair. So it wasn’t surprising that Jesus’ first greeting was His wish of peace for the very disciples who ran away from Him during the lowest point of His human life, save for a few women, His mother and His beloved disciple.
Jesus’ greeting was His peace offering. It was like hearing Him say, “You may have abandoned me, but I still love you. You may have left me, but I won’t do that to you.” He restored His disciples, who were broken by their own mischief, to wholeness.
This Easter message is something that we should all heed: The time of confusion is over. Leave behind your fear. Focus your gaze on the One who is able to wipe away your sins and give you peace like no other in this world. Fr. Sandy V. Enhaynes
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you have peace right now? What’s taking away your peace? Focus on Jesus and accept the peace He offers you.
Lord Jesus, I need Your peace to survive in this troubled world.

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