
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Daily Reflections

July 11, 2011
A Crash Course on Family Renewal

For couples who have gone through the Marriage Encounter Weekend (MEW), a follow-through growth program is the Family Encounter Weekend (FEW). The FEW teaches fathers, mothers and their children the good fruits of openness and continuing dialogue, especially if carried out in the spirit of non-judgemental expression and acceptance of felt needs and emotions. During the talks, reflections and exercises during the weekend, fathers and mothers experience the reality that their children could actually be their great enemies and burdens in life, as the words of Jesus today reveal. Even practical human wisdom says that we are often hurt most deeply by those closest to us.
The progress of the Family Encounter, however, opens us to liberating lessons that are parallel to today’s Gospel:
Jesus says, “Those who try to gain their own life will lose it.” The more someone insists that family members satisfy his wants and expectations, the more he loses the beauty of family life.
Jesus says, “Those who love their father or mother, or their son or daughter, more than me... are not fit.” Loving our family members too tightly can actually be a self-centered, selfish, possessive and manipulative way of loving. Family members will surely resent this.
Jesus says, “Those who do not take up their cross... are not fit.” The cross of Jesus is a symbol of love that is willing to sacrifice beyond what is fair to reach out and save others. This is what the family needs: that each member does not simply relate with one another justly, like a 50-50 sharing, but that each one should be willing to fill up the gaps of another— up to a hundred percent.
Jesus finally shares, “Whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me — God.” True family renewal happens when each member of the family begins to relate, to feel, to think, to act, to love in the pattern of true faith in God. There can be no truly human and humane values without religion and faith. Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
Spend some time today applying the insights of our Gospel to your family’s situation and experience. What concrete and practical steps can you start applying in your relationship with your family?

Lord, make me a better member of my own family — more loving, more humble, more giving. Amen.

St. Olga, pray for us.

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