
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

When will you make yourself available to God? - Daily Reflections July 23,2014

The dramatic account of the prophet Jeremiah’s call by the Lord in today’s First Reading contains a noteworthy detail. After his protestations regarding his being young, incapable and undeserving, God extended His hand and touched Jeremiah’s mouth, saying, “See I place my words in your mouth!”
       The Gospel, on the other hand, is the familiar Parable of the Sower. God, the Divine Sower, never fails to scatter the seed of His Word upon our hearts. It all depends on our openness and receptivity, but the important thing in the first place is God’s indefatigable effort plus the seeds’ innate power to overcome every obstacle. The seed may meet with resistance and reversal of all kinds, yet it still yields a rich harvest.
       Our own feelings of unworthiness to join church organizations to be involved and to serve, or our accusations of hypocrisy versus churchgoers in general (a convenient excuse for us to skip our own religious obligation of church attendance) are exactly just that: feelings and excuses. In other words, while they may have a point, they are still not valid. All the more reason there is for the likes of us, sinful and undeserving people, to dedicate ourselves in humble and docile dispositions.
       We would do well not to entertain such feelings and excuses, or much less, to use them to justify our non-commitment. We have to let go of our false pretenses. The Lord will not be moved by them. The inherent potential of both His Word and His action knows no obstacles. The openness and availability we have before the Lord will be enough for Him to empower and commission us as workers in His fold, as He did to Jeremiah: “This day I set you over nations and over kingdoms, to root up and to tear down, to destroy and to demolish, to build and to plant.” Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you tend to make excuses when invited to prayer gatherings or other religious events? When will you make yourself available to God?
Grant me an open heart, Lord, to get involved in building Your Kingdom on earth.

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