
Monday, August 24, 2020




It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. – Revelation 21:11

One of my favorite quotes in the book Why Is My Forever Taking Forever? by Marianne Mencias is this: “A woman glows when a man truly loves her and doesn’t use her. A woman’s light fizzles when she’s not treated properly.”

I can attest to this because when I compare how I looked during and after being in an unhealthy relationship, I saw the big difference. Before, I would hate the woman I saw in front of the mirror, but now, I thank God for the smiling face I see there— even if she’s single and imperfect. I am also grateful because He shows His love for me through my family and true friends.

I believe there’s really a different kind of glow that manifests in us when we choose God’s ways above the world’s ways. We become like the New Jerusalem described in today’s First Reading—shining God’s glory, brilliant like jewels. I pray that no matter what happens, we won’t forget that we are God’s beautiful children and He only wants the best for us.

Let’s allow Him to be the true Lover of our lives. Krizelle R. Talladen (

Reflect: Are you in darkness right now? Allow God to bring light to your life and commit to stay in His love until the end.

Dear Father, thank You for Your unconditional love. May it continue to transform me into Your image and likeness. Amen.

St. Bartholomew, Apostle, pray for us.

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