
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Daily Reflections- June 26, 2012

I am old enough to remember what Avenida Rizal meant to many people back then. In the 60s, it was the place to be, where so-called first-run theatres were found, where the first escalator in the Philippines was ever installed, and where the closest thing to the current-day “mall” was found. Back then, everyone would think of going to Avenida to see a movie and have a good time eating siopao and mami. Everybody who was somebody would dutifully trek to Escolta to shop at Berg’s, among the first “department stores” that did not even boast of air-conditioning.
Most people flocked to Quiapo. That was the quintessential downtown for many people. A few brave souls, however, did not join the bandwagon, and passed through the less trodden paths that led to better deals, cheaper goods and surprise discoveries, as in Quezon Boulevard, Echague or Raon. Back when I was principal at a big school in Metro Manila just after the EDSA I revolution, I noticed that the kids didn’t want to bring packed lunches anymore. During field trips or excursions, many of them would rather bring money than lug Tupperwares filled with home-cooked meals. The road more traveled by all is always the popular choice, the “in” thing to do, the way of doing things like all the rest do. You veer off the beaten track and you are an odd ball. Do things differently from what the rest of the world expects, and you are ostracized. The world now pressures us to conform, not to be too different from others, to follow what is fashionable and chic. The culture of our times almost makes it impossible to individuate or to “differentiate” oneself.
But time and again, one gets to see individuals who go by the road less traveled. They are raras aves, rare birds who dare to be different, like John the Baptist. And this is what the Lord reminds us of today. He counsels us not to go by the well-beaten tracks of whatever is faddish or popular. He tells us basically that being a good Christian and a good follower of Christ entails taking the road less traveled by many. Fr. Chito Dimaranan, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you easily conform to the ways of the majority? Or do you stand by your values and take the less popular road?
Lord Jesus, You called us to follow You. May nothing, not even the best enticements of the world and of relationships, distract me from following You.

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