
Friday, August 28, 2020




Today’s Gospel talks about the parable of the ten virgins. The groom was taking more than the expected time to arrive. Meanwhile, five of the ten virgins were running out of oil for their lamps. They first begged for oil from the others but they were not given any for obvious reasons. Thus, they were forced to leave their place and try to find oil. Unfortunately, while they were out looking for oil, the groom came and they were left out of the celebration.

The groom here represents Jesus. It is about His Second Coming. It tells us that we need to prepare when He comes. We ought not to be caught “without oil,” which means “not in the state of holiness.” And we do not know when He will come. This is interesting. Why would it be a surprise? Is Jesus playing games with us? No, Jesus knew the human psyche perfectly. He knew that if we were told of His coming, we will cram and we will only prepare when the end is near. Complacency will be the order of the day. But if we do not know when, we will always prepare. Some may gamble but, eventually and hopefully, they will also prepare.

We live knowing that tomorrow may never come. We are aware that judgment will certainly come. It will be wrong to stake our salvation by believing that the hour has not yet come. We are encouraged to be vigilant and to be worthy always. Like the ten wise virgins, we will be there when the Lord comes and receive with joy the salvation He merited for us. Fr. Benny Tuazon

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ----------

How are you preparing for Jesus’ Second Coming?

Make my heart always ready for Your Second Coming, Lord. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ______________________________

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