
Saturday, August 29, 2020




“ Boast of what the Lord has done.” – 1 Corinthians 1:31

That evening call tested our family’s faith. On October 28, 2018, my mom, who lives in the U.S., was brought to the emergency room and was unconscious for a few days. She suffered from subarachnoid hemorrhage and the doctors had to drain the excess fluid building up in her brain. Eventually, they had to put a shunt inside her skull.

I remember the words my brother told us that night: “The doctors said that the next 48 hours will be critical.” It’s hard to have a family member go through something, but it’s even more difficult when you are continents apart. We were helpless. We could only pray for her.

During that frightful time in our lives, God remained faithful. He manifested His power through the medical team that took care of my mom. He allowed us to experience His love through all the friends and family members who prayed for my mom’s healing. God saved her and we “boast of what the Lord has done.” As of this writing, my mom is on her way to recovery in a nursing facility. All glory and praise to our God! Lala Dela Cruz (

Reflect: How did Jesus manifest His power in your life? Tell the world about it!

Lord, may You be glorified in whatever I’m going through right now. Let Your Word become fully alive in my life. Amen.

St. Medericus, pray for us.

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