
Wednesday, August 26, 2020




Jesus continues to address the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in today’s Gospel. Here, He enumerated two: their concern for external outlook and their worship of their ancestors who were despised in their time. Like Jesus’ other examples, they reveal the inconsistencies of their faith and life. Their faith should provide the foundation for their lives. Their lives should witness to their faith. Unfortunately, these two were disconnected and discordant.

The hypocrisy must stop. It must be replaced by commitment and witnessing. We may be able to fool others, but we cannot fool God and ourselves. Hypocrisy benefits no one and amounts to nothing. We wonder how people can live with it. The good news is, we all have the faith and the capacity to live out what we believe. Every person possesses those gifts and abilities. We came from God and we have hearts capable of living and loving authentically. Faith and life have to find each other in us. It is clear that we cannot just have principles devoid of concrete actions. Our faith needs to be enfleshed in our whole person.

Furthermore, our goal is not to satisfy others. We made have been made to serve others, but it does not mean always satisfying them. It is God to whom we are answerable. It is God whom we must obey and satisfy. It is God to whom we must bare ourselves. He is the one who understands us and always willing to guide and help us. He knows what’s in our minds and hearts. It would be a big mistake to try to deceive Him. Having a good relationship with God entails living authentically.

Let us then purify ourselves by filtering our motives, intentions, and goals. Holiness and belonging to the Kingdom should be reflected in our words and actions. Let us show off to God and not to men. Fr. Benny Tuazon

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ----------

How can you live out your faith more authentically?

Purify my interior life, Lord, and help me align it with my outer life. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ____________________________

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