
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Reflect on the power of light: the sun, the lighted globe, the eyes. How does light serve you? How can you be a light to others? - Daily Reflections June 10,2014

I am not much of a salt person but I do know that when it is added to food, it makes quite a difference. Salt was used widely in Palestine during Jesus’ time and until now in order to preserve food and add to its taste. Salt is as common as dirt, easily trampled upon when it has served its purpose.
       I also have a fond memory of listening to a visitor retelling her experience of flying into Manila, Philippines at Christmas time and being mesmerized by the sea of lights that welcomed her.
       Salt and light are common commodities and very useful, but sometimes taken for granted. However, Jesus is teaching us to be as common as salt and light so that others may see and give glory to God. Notice how God makes things extraordinary out of the ordinary.
       Jesus is the light of the world. He tells His followers that anyone who follows Him will have the light of life (John 8:12). Interestingly, in Jewish thought, there is only light; darkness does not exist. Darkness is only where light has not yet penetrated. Darkness is the absence of light.
       According to Jewish thought, everything is light. When the clouds cover the sky, the sun is still shining. What a beautiful sight it is to observe the breaking of dawn and watch the light of the sun penetrate and illuminate all within its path.
       Light is fascinating. Light is life. Jesus calls us the light of the world. Again, at the Easter Vigil, the great service of light, we notice the powerful effect each candle has upon a church as we listen to the great Exsultet. So light is a powerful commodity. What an honor it is to be a powerful presence in the world. We know what little we can do without light. A power failure during a violent storm, a light bulb having blown, having electricity cut off — these are all instances when we see the powerful effect of light upon us. Without light, we die and cease to live. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Reflect on the power of light: the sun, the lighted globe, the eyes. How does light serve you? How can you be a light to others?
Jesus, I am honored to be called a light to the world. Help me to bring light and life to all. Amen.

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