
Friday, June 6, 2014

Let us pray for the grace to know Jesus more intimately, to love Him more ardently, and to follow Him more closely - Daily Reflections June 6,2014

I would imagine that Peter is feeling a little sheepish (excuse the pun!) as he conversed with Jesus on Easter morning. It is a very loving scene — there is neither condemnation nor reprimand on the part of Jesus to Peter for his denial. There is a responsibility to be entrusted to him. But Jesus needs to know one thing: Do you love Me? Because if Peter loves Jesus, then this will be the harbinger in the life of the Church, as established in Peter’s faith. The questioning is repetitive and threefold. And so was the denial. Jesus needs to know: Do you love Me?
       As Peter is reinstated through his love for Jesus, he is held responsible for tending and caring for the flock — as all his successors have done. It is a wonderful thing to be in the presence of Peter’s successor, the pope — a man who truly loves Jesus and the flock entrusted to him.
       Having received Peter’s answer and having entrusted to him the responsibility of leading His flock, Jesus can now say to Peter: “Follow me.” That is, to imitate Jesus in His love and care for the sheep. That means to die to his selfish needs and interests. It means taking up the cross as the Master has given an example.
       Jesus said once to Peter that He prayed that he would strengthen the brethren. Isn’t this what the pope does in our own time? He is the prophetic voice of Jesus who confirms and strengthens His people. In turn, we must pray for the Holy Father and the burden placed upon his shoulders as he leads the Christian people in faith, hope and love of the Lord.
       Jesus’ question is once again asked of us: Do you love Me?
       How will you respond? I hope wholeheartedly. We remember Jesus’ dying and rising to new life for our sake. We cannot but love Him and entrust ourselves to Him. Love always calls forth a response, as Ignatius would teach his followers. Love is cheap in words but most heroic in deeds. The love of Jesus draws forth a response. See what Jesus has done; what are we doing for Him? Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Let us pray for the grace to know Jesus more intimately, to love Him more ardently, and to follow Him more closely (Ignatius of Loyola, Spiritual Exercises).
Lord, You know everything; You know that I love You. Amen.

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