
Monday, June 9, 2014

Is the Lord inspiring you to reach out to someone? What is stopping you? - Daily Reflections June 9,2014

Today, we have the teachings of Jesus on the Beatitudes. The Jesus of Matthew is like the New Moses who ascends the mountain to give the Law of God of old. Just as Moses traveled the mountain of God and received the Ten Commandments (or Ten Words), so too Jesus climbs the mountain and outlines the meaning of happiness and how to attain it. These are attitudes of the heart that every disciple of Jesus is called to practice.
       The attitudes of gentleness, peacefulness, meekness, simplicity, mercy, purity, justice and honesty are all outlined here. These are the values that we Christians should seek to live out in our relationships with others. The Beatitudes make a good examen of conscience for us as we seek to live the life of Jesus. If one aspires to live under this rule, they can be confident that they will have a place with Jesus in His Kingdom.
       Of all the Beatitudes, it is not until we reach the final one — that of being persecuted — that the Lord calls us to rejoice and be glad. I am not sure if we are ever going to experience such persecution that Jesus mentions here. However, in a sense, we do experience persecution, such as when people ridicule us for our faith, or try to convince us that God is not listening to our prayers, or that our religion is a waste of time. Some people are quite happy (at least they think so) without God. Of course, if we are true to ourselves, seemingly in times of trial and difficulty, we tend to seek God. Sometimes we are too afraid to speak the truth, to invite someone to Church, or to give someone a word of Scripture. Jesus is telling us that we should do these things and rejoice if persecution of any kind comes our way.
       Your religion and faith become a very private affair between you and God. Of all the values outlined in the Beatitudes, what is the weakest in your life? What is the strongest? Seek the Lord today for grace to be more like Jesus. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Is the Lord inspiring you to reach out to someone? What is stopping you?
Lord, I desire happiness. My happiness is found in You alone. Help me to live these Beatitudes so as to find everlasting happiness. Amen.

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