
Friday, December 20, 2013

Where in your life is God calling you to say yes to Him? - Daily Reflections December 20,2013


The story told by Luke is ancient yet ever new. A virgin is visited by an angel of God and is called to accept the call to be the mother of God’s Son. Artists have given their impression, hymnists have revealed their meditations in poetry and song, and now, we, too, are called to offer our reflections and praise on this providence of God. For a long time, I used to meditate on the scene. Now I find myself reflecting on the response of Mary. How did Mary respond? Luke shows in a very beautiful and progressive way the opening up of Mary’s response to the angel.
       Mary is at first troubled by the greeting. This is lessened as the angel describes Mary as full of grace. She then proceeds to question the angel as to how this will come about. The angel answers the question with the  assurance of God’s will. In the end, Mary responds wholeheartedly to the request made by the angel. God had already begun the work in her. It was up to Mary to willingly respond to the grace at hand.
       The mystery of God becoming man is an affirmation of the angel’s message that nothing is impossible for God. Similarly, St. Paul states that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Jesus, in His conversation
with the rich man, states that nothing is impossible for God. This is what we have to get our heads around. God is God, He alone created the heavens and the earth, He alone suffices the human restlessness — He redeems, He saves and He loves. The annunciation to Mary is redemption and salvation made manifest. Mary’s response should inspire us. We, too, have been called to say yes to the will of God. For some, we are still discovering God’s will. For others, we are fulfilling it right now by our lives and vocations as religious, parent, teacher, colleague in business, etc.
       Let us respond wholeheartedly as was in the case of Mary. We may be overwhelmed with our weaknesses and inability to respond well. But at least we can make a start by saying yes to God. Know and learn that God will do the rest. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Where in your life is God calling you to say yes to Him? In what areas of impossibility is the light of God wanting to penetrate with its mystery of incarnation?
Lord, You know I love You. Let Your holy and perfect will be fulfilled in me. Amen.

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