
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Where do you go whenever you need to be alone with the Lord? - Daily Reflections September 4,2013


Many times, we find comfort in the adulation, affirmation and praise of others that we cannot anymore imagine not hearing them. Or sometimes, because we feel nobody appreciates, cares or bothers about us, we find reasons to pacify ourselves. But there are moments when we just want to be silent — to be away even for a brief moment, to pray, to reflect, to remember.
       The Gospel today finds Jesus in a deserted place, praying. From where He was, He reflected on His mission and made His disciples remember that “to the other towns also He must proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God, because for this purpose He had been sent.”
       In moments that we are “up” there, take time to pause. Thank the Lord for His blessings and ask, “Where do You want me, Lord, to go next, to share my talents, gifts, resources to those whom I am also called to serve?”
       In moments that we are “down” there, take time also to pause. Thank the Lord for the difficulties and ask, “Where do You want me to go back, to remember how good You are and how privileged I am to be able to experience what I experienced, including the difficulties which can only make me better?”
       Be brave to storm a deserted place, where you can pray, reflect and remember. Then go out again into the world, reinvigorated, renewed and refreshed by the grace of God. It is only through Him that we can be Good News for others.
       Have you ever found yourself wanting to go to a deserted place, probably needing time to be alone with yourself, for yourself? It’s a need. There is a natural urge to be alone once in a while.
       Remember, Jesus also needed to be alone with the Father. Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: Where do you go whenever you need to be alone with the Lord?
Lord, keep me company whenever I decide to be alone and away from the world. Amen.

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