
Monday, May 20, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 19,2013


Happy birthday to us! Today, the Church is born of the Spirit.
       In the Gospel, Jesus breathes on the Apostles His gift of life and love —the Holy Spirit. The Spirit dispels all fear and the Apostles boldly proclaim that Jesus is Lord and Savior.
       I like to reflect on the greetings of our Easter brothers and sisters. In Russian Orthodox tradition, on this Easter morn, they greet each other like this: “The Lord has truly risen.” What a wonderful greeting. In the West, as we exchange niceties about the weather and family, our Orthodox friends greet one another in the way just mentioned. Often we forget the beauty and wonder of this day. Yes, my friends, the Lord has risen indeed!
       Today is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost was that ancient agricultural feast celebrating the first fruits of the field 50 days after the Passover. The Church now celebrates Pentecost as the day the Risen Jesus sent His Spirit 50 days after His death — a first-fruit offering to the Father. Let us receive that offering, the breath of God.
       As God breathed first into the nostrils of man, and man became a living being, so now the Holy Spirit is breathed upon us. Today, let us thank God for the gift of breath, which we so easily take for granted.
       Allow the Lord to breathe into our lives again. May His Spirit bring healing to our wounds, renew our strength, and bend our stubborn hearts to His will. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: What areas of your life need the fresh breath of God — the Holy Spirit?
Come, Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of Your faithful and renew us. Amen.

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