
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How do you avoid the many advances of the devil in your life? - Daily Reflections September 3,2013


I remember my first encounter with a supposedly demonic possession more than two decades ago. The family sounded emphatic and insistent that I go there immediately. In my confusion, I took a holy water container, but it was empty. Hurriedly, I filled it with tap water and told myself, “Bahala na!” (What will be, will be). On reaching the house, I saw a young lady with furious eyes. She began cursing me. I sprinkled her with the unblessed tap water. Lo and behold, she started shouting, “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” To my surprise, the unblessed tap water worked! I told her family that she was just out of her mind, not possessed. Later, I learned that she was a drug dependent.
       St. Paul declares we are “not in darkness... we are children of the light and children of the day.” Jesus always triumphs over the forces of darkness. It’s astonishing that the demon in the Gospel even rid himself of pride and was humbled by the Lord’s presence. Having no choice and feeling helpless before Jesus, he shouts, “ I know who you are — the Holy One of God!” The devil knows his enemy and trembles face to face with his divine tormentor.
       Children of light and day that we are, it is our moral obligation to resist every temptation in our present world. Though the enemy is seen as meek and submissive to the power of Jesus, it is deceptive most of the time. Traitor is his middle name. And he never rests as he takes on the evil mission of sowing darkness in the world.
       The strength and power of Jesus should inspire us to take a courageous stand, confident that Jesus’ mere presence can destroy all the ploys of the devil. But “let us not sleep as the rest do, but let us stay alert and sober.” Staying awake and alert means being always shielded by the protective love of Jesus. Indeed, if he finds a home in our hearts and souls, and reigns in our every word and action, there will never be an opportunity for the forces of darkness to reign. As far as the evil one is concerned, a big signage prevents him from meddling: “Jesus’ Territory: No Trespassing!” Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: How do you avoid the many advances of the devil in your life?
Lord, be my stronghold so that the evil one will not have an opportunity to deceive me.

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