
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daily Reflections - November 20,2012

Fr. Pascual Adorable, a Jesuit, was among the pioneers of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement in the Philippines. He founded the Buklod ng Pag-ibig, a renewal community that has faithfully nurtured the charism of healing with various undertakings emanating from its home in Balete Drive Extension in Quezon City. His ministry also gave rise to the Bukas Loob sa Diyos Covenant Community, a couple-oriented renewal group that has since branched out even to other countries. Throughout his ministry, Fr. Ado stressed two things about healing: first, true healing flows from Jesus in the Eucharist where He Himself promised to be present until the end of time; second, true healing comes not just from God’s power but His love. He would always declare with a shout during his healing Masses: “It is love that heals!”
Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus in Jericho was not simply a conversion story but a healing story. The tax collector may not have been sick physically but his heart ached as people distanced themselves from him whom they considered to be a publican. His heart ached as people showed him their hateful feelings when they blocked his view of Jesus. His spirit could have been aching, too, so he was looking for Jesus. Jesus, he heard, had the gift of making persons see new meaningfulness in their broken lives.
Jesus healed Zacchaeus with love. Zacchaeus felt love as Jesus singled him out from the crowd. He felt love as Jesus told him He was going to dine with him. And the love made Zacchaeus promise that he would repair his cheating by repaying the people fourfold.
Why not try the love therapy? Care for old people at home, touch them with love and talk to them. Visit the sick, lend them your listening ears and show concern. Pray with and minister to them with words of faith and hope coming from the Bible. Believe in your heart, show with your acts, and proclaim with your sharing, “It is love that heals!” Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP
REFLECTION QUESTION: Spend some time recalling how persons healed you with their love. Thank God for these persons. Pay it forward: for whom are you now concretely challenged to be a daily sharer of God’s healing love?
Father, touch me with Your healing love and help me help those in need of healing, too.

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