
Sunday, August 16, 2020



In today’s Gospel, we have a Canaanite woman, a member of the Gentile community, asking the Lord Jesus to help her daughter who was being tormented by a demon. Jesus did not bother to address her plea. He clarified His non-action: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

The plan of God was to begin the work of salvation in Israel, of which Canaan was not a part. Places outside of Israel were called Gentiles while Israel was referred to as the Chosen People. Jesus, in effect, was telling the Canaanite woman that it was not yet their time. After the deliverance of Israel, they would receive the grace of salvation.

But the woman was persistent. Jesus told her, “It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs.” He went as far as comparing the woman and her child to a dog, hoping it would dissuade her from pursuing Him. She did not. She loved her daughter too much to be easily discouraged even by a harsh statement from the Lord. Her response floored Jesus: “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.”

She was, in a way, saying, “Call me a dog or whatever you want. Certainly, there are scraps that would not affect the nourishment of the Chosen People.” She respected Jesus’ mission. Any help was enough for her. She had faith!

It did not escape Jesus. He saw her determination to free her daughter from the demon. She believed in Jesus. She resorted to persistence, hoping Jesus would spare something for her daughter no matter how minute. To a person with great faith, even an iota of grace is enough.

“O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” She got what she wanted. Her persistence and determination were proof of her faith. It should be clear that God does not need to be pressured. He gives grace to everyone at all times. But worthiness is necessary. Faith makes us worthy of God’s grace. In this case, the woman expressed her faith through her persistence and determination. Jesus did not miss itFr. Benny Tuazon

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ----------

Do you have a prayer that has remained unanswered? Let the Canaanite woman’s example inspire you to deepen your faith.

Lord Jesus, may my faith make me worthy of Your grace. Amen.
Today, I pray for: ___________________________

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