
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Daily Reflections - June 12, 2012

No doubt this teaching was meant to encourage the Apostles to go and persevere in their mission. Jesus knew the challenges they will be facing in practicing their faith. Jesus not only reminded them of what they have but also the responsibility for having them. The analogy on the role of the salt and the light tendered His commissioning of the Apostles to the ministry. After hearing Jesus preach and seeing His deeds for some time, they were now ready to do as Jesus did.
We remember our baptism — our moment of commissioning. Though we were still children, our parents and godparents were given the responsibilities to teach and train us in the faith. We were expected to become followers of Jesus. But we were not to remain passive followers and believers. We have to share our faith. At the proper time, we have to witness to the faith and bear fruit for God. Thus, our membership in the family of God also entails concern for other members of the faith.
We can only do it by using everything God had given us. It is our duty to discover our God-given gifts and then use them for the service of the community. It would be unfortunate if the gifts given by God for a purpose would be left unused or kept to ourselves.
Once I had a friend who possessed a good singing voice. But he preferred not to use it because he did not want fame or recognition. He wanted to be humble. I believed he should use his gift rather than keep it. It was meant to be shared, not kept. But he chose to just keep it to himself. No amount of convincing and invitation could prevail over his decision to just humbly keep it. I do not know if it is a curse or coincidence, but one morning, he just lost his voice. We could not believe what happened. We could only empathize with his condition.
He took his fate painfully and sadly. Maybe, if he used his voice, it would not have happened. Or maybe his voice was meant to be lost. In any case, it was not wise to just have kept it. Fr. Benny Tuazon
REFLECTION QUESTION: Make an inventory of the gifts God has given you. How are you using each gift? How you use it is your gift to God.
Guide me, Lord, and help me discover the gifts You have blessed me with. Lead me as to where and how I should use them.

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