
Friday, August 12, 2011

Daily Reflections

August 11, 2011

Where there is no forgiveness, freedom is lost. This may sound a little harsh at first, but if we reflect upon the idea we will begin to understand that it is true.
When a person sins against us, a relationship of bondage is established. We are tied to the sinner in a relationship that can go only one of two ways. We can forgive the person and free the relationship to become what it should be in Christ; or we can seek revenge or hold resentment and thus bind ourselves to that person in a very unhealthy and ultimately destructive way.
It is irrelevant what sin we are talking about, though obviously the bigger the sin, the more difficult it is to choose the former rather than the latter. It is also important to recognize that by forgiving a person, we do not at all give any approval to the act of sin. Forgiving a person in no way legitimizes what the person did to sin against us. Forgiveness is a gift we bring to the person who sins against us, as though we are saying, “Look, I do not want this action to harm our relationship in an irreparable way.” It is a gift of mercy; it is a gift of peace; it is a gift of generosity and love.
Why should we forgive those who sin against us? That has a very simple answer as indicated by today’s Gospel. If we want God to forgive our sins, then we must learn to forgive those who sin against us, or else we will be guilty of hypocrisy. What right have we to ask God’s forgiveness if we are not willing to forgive the sins of others against us? Precisely none!
Forgiveness frees us to continue in relationship with the sinner in the best way possible, but there will always be a residue of the sin, for example, in the broken trust between two people. There is little we can do about this. This is one of the consequences and effects of sin. This is even more reason for us to try to avoid sinif possible. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

Reflection Question:
Am I willing to forgive those who have sinned against me?

Holy Spirit, grant me the grace to let go of the hurt of sin so that I will be able to forgive the people who have sinned against me, no matter how big or small the sin was.

St. Lelia, pray for us.

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