
Monday, July 4, 2011

Daily Reflections


My father, two younger sisters and I went through trying times for three months in 2010. My 68-year-old mother who was frail and sickly from over 20 years of complications with diabetes, fell 15 steps down the wooden staircase of our apartment in Paco. It was God’s grace that she survived the fall without any crack in her cranium or any serious bone injury. She, however, sustained a deep cut which needed to be sutured by a neurosurgeon. Her recovery from the cut also necessitated bed rest of around a week-and-a-half in the hospital where she caught pneumonia. This second illness proved to be more problematic for us. We had to take her in and out of the hospital twice, since she had difficulty breathing and eating. Later, she was allowed to go home with her NGT (nasogastric intubation) and my youngest sister had to patiently attend to her. My mother needed 24- hour nursing care and my sister would feed her through her nose tube every four hours.
There were times when all we could do was hope and pray. Seeing my mother suffer was hard. The anxiety of figuring out where to get money to settle hospital bills, doctors’ fees and buy medical supplies made things even harder. I would try to visit my mother more often, as much as my schedule would allow. I would pray and anoint her.
There was one thing I discovered in the course of my stay with her, first in the hospital, then at home. Mama loved to touch me and my sisters. Her face would light up every time I entered her room. She seemed to draw strength and inspiration for her healing and recovery by touching us, her family. I would touch and kiss her, too.
Today’s Good News features the healing power of touch. The woman who had been sick for 12 years had just one prayer: “If only I touch His cloak, I will get well.” She touched — and she was indeed healed. Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
Are you generous with your loving touch and with your healing presence to family members who are sick or old? Pray for healing as you touch the sick and the elderly. Ask Jesus to use your hands as channels of His blessings.

Lord Jesus, make me a channel of Your healing touch for the sick people around me. Amen.

Blessed William Andleby, pray for us.

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