
Friday, January 15, 2016

Do you need forgiveness and healing? Avail of the sacrament of reconciliation today - Daily Reflections January 15,2016

The Gospel tells us of one man and his friends who badly wanted to avail of the healing touch of Jesus. They climbed up the roof and dug their way down to be in His presence. To lower the sick man through the roof, they created a stir in the room below, both from the noise and the falling pieces of mud and dirt. Jesus saw their faith, Mark tells us, which is a clue and a key to this whole story. They demonstrated their faith through their actions.
       In the story, the crowd, which includes religious leaders, represents a barrier that is keeping the man away from Jesus. This is the man’s experience as a result of his paralysis. Paralytics then were of little or no value in society and often left to fend for themselves. But Jesus demonstrated again that He has authority to forgive sins and to make the lame walk. His works showed that His authority was genuine just as our actions demonstrate the genuineness of our faith.
       Forgiveness is a basic need which comes in two forms: the need to be forgiven, and the need to forgive. In both cases, the result is release, liberation and healing: release from the prison of guilt and fear that is caused by the thought of hurting somebody and making his life miserable; liberation from the bondage of doubt and uncertainty that we are loved despite our shortcomings; and healing from anger and resentment caused by negative memory that keeps us fixated on the past.
       I invite you to spend time in silence today. Look at the cross of Jesus and meditate on this message:“Your sins are forgiven.” The cross means forgiveness. It has the shape of a key because forgiveness is the key. Talk to a priest. Spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and there find mercy, joy and peace. Know in your heart that your sins are forgiven.
       May we all take up our mats and walk, glorifying the Lord with our lives! Fr. Erick Santos, OFS
REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you need forgiveness and healing? Avail of the sacrament of reconciliation today.
Lord, I need Your healing grace so I can walk more faithfully with You. Forgive me for my transgressions and lead me to Your light. Amen.

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