
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How can you love more faithfully? - Daily Reflections May 14,2014

It is stating the obvious, and probably a cliché as well, to say that love is the answer to the world’s problems. However, despite this, it is still the truth. Jesus calls all who follow Him to recognize that the most fundamental expression of our faith is the call to love one another. If we fail in this, we fail to be faithful to the Gospel as He proclaims it. This is the challenge that stands before us every day of our lives.
       Love is not an easy thing to grasp today as we use the word in so many different contexts that it is difficult to focus on its truest meaning, which is an unconditional commitment to the other person, always seeking his best interest but never demanding a response. As sinful human beings, we often focus on ourselves rather than the other person. Love has a significant component of trust attached to it — that if I give myself unconditionally to others, I trust that they will respond likewise with me. This isn’t often the case, as sin takes over and we hoard love rather than allowing ourselves to be channels and sharers of love with others.
       As we continue to reflect upon the message of Easter and as we celebrate the Feast of St. Matthias, the one who replaced Judas, let us renew our commitment to love selflessly. Christianity does not hold a mortgage on the idea of selfless love but, in my opinion, it does have a far greater consistent witness than any other faith expression. The sheer number of martyrs in the Church is a testimony to this.
       This is not to say that Christians and the Church have always been the best possible witness to selfless love. There are many examples of sin that directly contradict this message. However, such examples are relatively rare when taken in the context of the whole. Nevertheless, we must continue to strive, both as individuals and the Church, to root out all contrary witnesses to love and refocus our lives on the imitation of Jesus, who came to give His life — in love — as a ransom for us sinners. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Are you aware of the ways in which you both succeed and fail in bearing witness to love in the world? How can you love more faithfully?
Jesus, help me to receive the love that You are offering me each day and, thus, allow it to transform my life and enable me to love others better.

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