
Friday, December 13, 2013

Are you following the right course in this game of life? Ask God to guide you today - Daily Reflections December 13,2013


Even carefree children have their own code of behavior in their little games. Innocence does not necessarily translate to ignorance.
       Today, the good Lord once again uses a tinge of humor and local color. He compares his adult listeners to feisty little kids activating their own grievance machinery. One party just could not take it anymore. They did as agreed, and the other party apparently wouldn’t play along, according to the rules.
       Somebody must have gotten tired of the game, at the very least. Or worse, someone must have decided to follow the beat of a different drummer.
       As a priest for three decades now, I am saddened when former star players in the game of life suddenly change course, take off from the field, and follow the fabled “Pied Piper” who turns up to lead them to a mysterious quest via a different road. Like complaining playmates left holding an empty bag, I rail. I rant. I complain to the Lord. What did we do wrong?
       Oftentimes, it happens for the flimsiest of reasons. Misled by malicious information, people jump to conclusions. “Clergymen cannot be trusted.” “The Pope is filthy rich, living in untold splendor in the Vatican.” “The Church is nothing more and nothing less than a male-dominated and chauvinistic organization out to prey on the ignorance of people and the innocence of little kids.” John the Baptist suffered the same fate. He was declared “mad.” But so was Christ the Lord himself, who was judged a “glutton and a drunkard.”
       Three years ago, seven bishops were dubbed as the notorious Pajero Seven by mainstream media. Despite all the facts to the contrary, the moniker remained, courtesy of a biased and manipulative media, from whom nary a whimper of an apology was heard.
       Life is not child’s play at all. We are called to work hard and see where wisdom lies. Fr. Chito Dimaranan, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Are you following the right course in this game of life? Ask God to guide you today.
Lord, help me to be faithful to following You all the days of my life.

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