
Sunday, October 6, 2013

How do you use the anointing of your words? Do your words build up or destroy? - Daily Reflections October 6,2013


In today’s Gospel, Jesus says, “If you had faith the size of mustard seed, you could say to this sycamore, ‘Be uprooted and transplanted into the sea,’ and it would obey you” (Luke 17:6). Notice that Jesus commanded His listeners to speak, to command, to utter a word of instruction. This is not the only verse in the Bible that speaks about Jesus teaching so. In Mark 11:23, He also said, “Whoever will say to this mountain be removed and does not doubt in his heart, he will have what he says.” Jesus seems to be telling us that when we pray, it is not enough to speak to God about our problems, our difficulties, or the mountains that we face. Jesus is giving us authority to speak to our problems.
       I remember reading long ago about how some natives in Africa conduct a shouting ritual to fell down a tree. The natives would gather around the tree for days and in unison shout curses to the tree. After a period of time, the tree was said to begin to wither down, thus making it easier for them to fell the tree. Legend or not, it is based on a sound principle: Words have power. Try this even if you are alone. Say to yourself, “I am beautiful!” See how you’re smiling already (even if it may not necessarily be true)?
       Rumor aside, words do not only communicate ideas. Words also have the power to achieve what it communicates. When words are declared in faith, they can achieve miracles, both in the seen and the unseen. We are made children of God by the words of baptism. We are forgiven of our sins by the words of absolution. Jesus is made truly present in the bread and wine at Mass by the words of consecration.
       It is no surprise that Jesus teaches us about the power of the word. He is the Word through whom the universe was made. God created by the power of His word, “Let there be light.” When we utter words declared in faith, we claim power from the God who uttered the world into existence. This is a message of encouragement. We are told not only to speak about our obstacles. We are given power to speak to our obstacles! Fr. Joel O. Jason
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How do you use the anointing of your words? Do your words build up or destroy?
God our Father, You brought the world into being by Your Word. Recreate us by the same Word. Anoint my words that they may share in Your power to build, empower and create. Amen.

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