
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Daily Reflections - May 21,2013

This is the second time that Jesus predicts His passion. He tells them in private about His messiahship because the people have a wrong notion. This is the “messianic secret” since the messiahship of Jesus is all about servant leadership, not the overthrowing of the Roman government as most people expected the Messiah to do. Jesus takes a small child and begins to teach the way of His leadership.
       Children are insignificant in Jewish society. They have no title, no status, and are basically seen as nobody. In a society whereby status and identity are vitally important for respect and honor, Jesus is telling them to shun any desire for status in society. If we are honest enough with ourselves, we will realize that we want to be accepted and we seek recognition in our lives. We want to be the center of attention. And yet, the follower of Jesus is to live humbly, seeking no recognition, but serving God in all humility.
       The so-called argument on the road was about position in the Kingdom of Jesus. They had it all wrong — their understanding of Jesus’ messiahship was politically oriented, and Jesus would have none of the sort. As Jesus predicts His passion, the disciples are afraid to ask for clarification. A constant theme in Mark’s Gospel is the misunderstanding of the disciples. They really had no clue as to who Jesus really was.
       The humility, littleness and innocence of a child are good examples for us who seek to follow the Lord. A child is always dependent on his parents and the people around him. A child can teach us to depend on God alone. The child always asks his parents for kind favors. This is the way to approach God our Father. Do we have that same simple childlike confidence? Are we willing to depend totally upon the Father for His provision and sustenance in our daily lives? Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Do you trust God as a child trusts his parents?
Lord, I thank You that I am Your child. Father, I commit my life to You. Help me to trust in You always. Amen.

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