
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Daily Reflections - December 11,2012

God’s mercy is something we need to reflect upon often as it is an integral aspect of His forgiveness and love for us all. This well-known image of Jesus leaving the 99 sheep and going after the one that is lost is a perfect invitation to reflect upon the mercy of God.
Sheep are really quite pitiful animals. They have a flock mentality that is very strong. The image of a sheep on its own, apart from its flock, is already enough to induce in me a sense of pity. But pity is not mercy. The implication in the image of the lost sheep is that it is lost because it has chosen to depart from the flock for one reason or another. This idea leads me to lose my pity for the lost sheep — after all, it is its own fault that it finds itself in such a situation. Why should I have pity on the sheep when it has chosen to be apart from the flock?
Yet God steps into the image and seeks out the lost sheep until He finds it. This is what mercy is all about – not leaving the vulnerable and lonely on their own but seeking them out even if it is their fault that they find themselves in a bad situation. Mercy does not seek to apportion blame to anyone but simply recognizes the human need for some sort of assistance and then providing that help. Mercy takes the first step towards the person in need; it does not wait for the other to make the first step towards it.
We should all seek to cultivate mercy in our lives. It is to the merciful that mercy will be shown according to the Beatitudes. We all need mercy due to our sins. Let us be the first to express mercy to others and not just wait for it to come to us. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Are you a merciful person or do you have a lot to learn in this area?
Lord Jesus, help me to grow in the exercise of mercy towards those who have sinned against me. Help me to forgive them; help me to love them more and more each day.

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