
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Daily Reflections - October 2, 2012

Luke uses the metaphor of a journey in today’s Gospel. Jesus’ ministry begins in Galilee and travels to Jerusalem, the place where prophets have died for the sake of the Kingdom of God. It is where God has desired to reveal His saving power. The Gospel speaks to us of Jesus’ desire to resolutely take the road to Jerusalem, where danger and death await Him.
Jesus is confronted by the Samaritans. These people do not believe that God should be worshipped in Mount Zion, but in Mount Gerizim in their own territory. They have differing views and opinions from the Jews. This rivalry is alluded to in the story of Jesus with the Samaritan woman (see John 4). Jesus doesn’t allow them to hinder His journey; He simply moves on to another village. There is no turning back, just a “determined determination” to see God’s plan fulfilled.
St. Teresa of Avila has this to say about “determined determination.” She says, “To those who want to journey on this road and continue until they reach the end, which is to drink from this water of life, I say that how they are to begin is important – in fact, all important. They must have a great and very determined determination to persevere until reaching the end, come what may, happen what may, whatever work is involved, whatever criticism arises, whether they arrive or whether they die on the road, or even if they don’t have courage for the trials that are met, or if the whole world collapses” (The Way of Perfection, 21:2).
Today’s feast of the Guardian Angels reminds us that we have companions on our journey. We are encouraged to call upon them, not just when the journey seems difficult. At times we will faithfully and resolutely follow Jesus, but there will be times when we will fail and lag behind. God sent us the Guardian Angels to be our constant and fervent guide. As the ancient prayer suggests to us: “to light and guard, to rule and guide.” Sometimes we would want to divert from the way; we must be attentive to their voice and reach out to their guiding hands. Fr. Brian Steele, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTION: Am I resolute in following the Lord? If not, why?
I call out to You all day long, Lord. You are always there as my help and guide. Angel of God, my guardian dear, pray for me. Amen.

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