
Monday, June 18, 2012

Daily Reflections- June 16, 2012

When I was young, my mother used to dictate to me the answer to the perennial question: What do you want to be when you grow up? At first, it was to be a doctor, then a lawyer. But this childhood fancy would keep changing as I grew up.
High school was entirely different. I started to think independently from my mother. Suddenly, I was fancying journalism, advertising, etc. But whenever I would be asked to sign slambooks, I would jokingly write: to be a priest. For somebody like me, it was meant to be a joke.
But apparently the Lord read my joke and took it seriously.
My mother was frustrated that her easy-go-lucky, youngest son wanted to enter the seminary. But to give in to her longing and obsession, I entered the University of the Philippines for college and became known as the only boy in our part of Tondo to enter U.P. Oh, how proud my mother was! But at 18, I decided to leave U.P. and prepare for my entrance to the seminary. My mother was surprised that I came home in the middle of the week. The statue of the Virgin Mary, which was being brought to different houses in our block, was in our home that week, as if she was there to help explain my predicament to my mother. It pained my mother no end to think that I would enter the seminary. It broke her heart. Yet it was necessary.
In the Gospel, the Lord has come of age quite early. He was 12. Mary’s heart was broken when they could not find Him for three days. Finally, they found Him at the temple in a discussion with the high priests.
Jesus now has a mind of His own, knowing very well the mission He had to undertake later. It broke the heart of Mary. Her Son, in no time, would live a life and mission of His own. Letting go of Him was difficult. It broke the heart of Mary. Yet, it was necessary.
He broke her heart so these broken pieces may be one with His. From then on, Mary understood. She owned the mission and longing of Jesus, in the union of the two hearts! Fr. Erick Y. Santos, SFO
REFLECTION QUESTION: What heartbreaking experiences did you have which made you a whole and better person?
Lord, let the longings of my heart be united to Yours.

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