
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Daily Reflections

July 13, 2011
God Is LIKE a Sea

My mother originated from Ilocos Sur, a village located by the shores of the South China Sea. When we were young, we loved going there during school breaks — oftentimes in December and May. We cherished bonding times in a wooden ancestral house built by my mother’s great grandfather using wide hardwood slab floors. We also enjoyed eating the bounty of fruits — papayas, mangoes, guyabanos, guavas — picked from fruit trees that my maternal grandmother planted. Of course, not to be missed was the regular dip into the salty waters of the sea. It was fun, relaxing and therapeutic.
In May, the waters of the South China Sea can get treacherous. Waves would be strong and big, depending on the lunar cycle. There were times when the undercurrents were dangerous. While standing with my feet on the sandy bottom of the sea, I could feel the waves sucking the sand from under my feet. And before I knew it, I would be in deep waters.
There was one occasion when I was pulled into the deep. Waves sucked my feet and my body into the open sea. The deep waters and the strong waves made my every stride towards the shore seem futile. I began to panic, especially because I was not a good swimmer. Good thing I had presence of mind. Instead of fighting to reach the shore, I abandoned myself to the strong waves. I raised my feet, relaxed my body and kept myself afloat with arms spread wide as I looked up to the blue sky. I allowed the strong waves to carry me closer to shore where, on shallower waters, I managed to stand up and walk to safety.
The ways of God are wide and deep, mysterious and threatening like the sea. The more we resist Him and try to do things our way, the harder it could be for us. Instead, let us open wide our arms and let Him carry us to where He wants to bring us! Fr. Domie Guzman, SSP

Reflection Question:
Recall a moment in life when you managed to survive, not by struggling and fighting out your way, but by a candid and sweet surrender.

Lord, when I am sinking into deep holes in life, grant me the grace to surrender my situation into Your hands and allow You to carry me to the light. Amen.

St. Teresa de los Andes, pray for us.

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