
Saturday, October 10, 2020




Once upon a time, sari-sari stores in the boonies all sported a sign that says: “Bukas ang utang.” It is the closest equivalent to the American sign that reads: “Your credit is good, but we need cash.” Literally understood, it simply meant “no credit available today.” But since the sign was up there each and every single day, it just meant “no credit” every day.

The woman must have been quite a sight. The Lord was reeling from a series of rejections one after another, along with cruel judgments from people who were unwilling to give Him credit for the signs He was performing. Fake news were already in vogue then, and He was seen as one acting in the name of Beelzebul. Surely, someone—no matter if she was a woman—who had gentler and more soothing words to offer, would surely be acknowledged.

But the Lord seemingly was not pleased. The woman was loyal to her kind. She praised the Lord indirectly, obliquely, but truly: “Blessed is the womb that bore You.” Surely, she must have thought, this wonder-worker kept a warm corner for His mother in His heart. Surely, He would be pleased.

After a series of rejections and hurtful accusations, the Lord presumably was not in the mood to reject a word of praise, albeit obliquely stated. But no! Not only was He not pleased. He came up with a repartee that sounded a tad impolite. He contradicted her on the spot. “Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.”

This reminds me of that store sign. Your credit is good, but I need cash. Your kind words are nice, but please act and be nice to prove you heard—and are willing—to keep God’s Word. Sometimes in prayer, I blurt out well-meaning and well-crafted niceties, like those of the Pharisee who praised God for not creating him like the publican behind him in the synagogue.

I am convicted. I am humbled. Niceties and praises are good, but actions speak louder than words. Praise God! Glory to Him! But wait—prove it by your deeds. Fr. Chito Dimaranan, SDB

----------- REFLECTION QUESTIONS ----------

How much do you love God? Do your deeds show it?

Dearest God, help me to be true to my words, especially when I say I love You. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ___________________________

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