
Tuesday, September 1, 2020



What does it mean to exercise spiritual authority? Spiritual authority has nothing to do with having power over other people but has everything to do with being faithful to God’s call—to the point that God feels free to use you to bring spiritual renewal to others. Spiritual authority is a gift exercised in the service of the Body of Christ; that is, directed toward the well-being of others and not simply of one’s self.

Jesus is said to have spiritual authority because it is evident that He practiced what He preached and, thus, people easily saw that He was not a hypocrite. Jesus lived His life for others and not for Himself. This is what impressed the people because it seemed that their experience of their religious leaders then and of their Roman occupiers was the opposite.

Leaders who are self-serving will not inspire much from others—it is those who give their lives in service who become lasting inspirations for those whom they serve.

What does this mean for us? As we seek to be disciples of Jesus, we must remember that service to others is at the core of this calling. He calls us to follow His example of service—laying down our lives in the service of the Church and the Gospel. This is the choice we must make if we want our lives to have lasting meaning and significance. We can choose to live a self-serving life and not allow ourselves to be put out in the service of others, or we can embrace the call to serve as a disciple of Jesus and make a difference in our own lives, the life of the community to which we belong, and the lives of other people. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

---------- REFLECTION QUESTIONS ----------

How do you understand the role of religion and faith in your life? Do you see it as totally personal and, thus, self-serving? Or do you give your life in the service of the Church and the Gospel?

Jesus, help me to be generous in the way I serve the Church and to love the people around me. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ____________________________

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