
Sunday, September 13, 2020




We may think of forgiveness as a feeling or, at the very least, allowing our feelings to determine whether we have forgiven someone for offending or hurting us. This should not be so. Yes, we need to deal with the effects of sin against us, but simply allowing our feelings to govern this process will not lead to a satisfactory conclusion.

First, we need to consider God’s approach. It is very simple. God chooses to forgive the sins we have committed. There are numerous examples of this in both the Old and New Testaments. Forgiveness is God’s way of dealing with our sins. What does this mean for us?

It means that we have to make choices, too. Our feelings, however, are not choices; they are mere reactions to a particular experience. We have to process our feelings in order to decide on what we will do in any given situation. The Scriptures, and the examples of Jesus in particular, make it clear that we need to find the courage and strength to forgive those who sin against us, regardless of the sin that has been committed. God does not have categories of sins that He chooses not to forgive—He forgives them all, and so should we.

This can be very hard to do when the sin is great and so hurtful, but it is the example and even command of Jesus to us. And if we do not forgive, then we, too, are held captive to the powers of additional sins such as resentment, revenge, and so on. The only way to be free of these sins is to choose the path of forgiveness. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

---------- REFLECTION QUESTIONS ----------

What process do you go through when others sin against you? Do you tend to move down the path of forgiveness or do you choose the path of revenge and resentment? What can you do to facilitate the gift of forgiveness in your life?

Lord Jesus, I pray that when other people hurt me or sin against me, I may always remember how You have forgiven me for all my sins. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ___________________________

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