
Thursday, September 3, 2020




Peter knows what he is doing when it comes to fishing; Jesus does not. He is a carpenter, not a fisherman. Peter knows that it is a waste of time and energy to throw out the nets for a catch because there is simply no fish to catch. I believe He is simply humoring Peter when He orders the nets to be lowered. Yet, lo and behold, the nets are filled to breaking point and the boats filled to the verge of sinking. What does this mean?

Peter immediately realizes that there is a power at work, more than simple wisdom. He is experiencing a miracle and is very quick to attribute it to Jesus, telling Him that He should leave as he, Peter, is a sinful man and, thus, an unworthy recipient of such a great blessing. Does Jesus leave? No. What’s more, He calls Peter, his brother and associates to come and follow Him as “fishers of men.” Peter, Andrew, James, and John leave their nets and go off to follow Jesus. What do we make of this?

I believe that Peter and his friends have heard Jesus speak before this day and so are familiar with the rumors that maybe the Messiah has come. It is with this sort of mindset that he interprets the miraculous catch of fish and decides that, if Jesus is the Messiah, then he wants to be a part of whatever the Messiah is going to do. It is a willful response with limited reflection, but an honest one with sincerity of heart.

Are we following Jesus as His disciples, with the same sincerity and integrity? This is what Jesus wants because He is aware that He will be the driving force behind whatever ministry He calls His followers to do. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ----------

Are you willing to surrender all to Jesus, not knowing exactly what He might ask you to do with your life?

Jesus, help me to grow in trust of Your love and desire for the best in my life. Let me come to know and trust that Your love is all I need and that Your will is the path to the greatest possible happiness for my life.

Today, I pray for: _________________________

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