
Tuesday, September 1, 2020




Now the natural person does not accept what pertains to the Spirit of God, for to him it is foolishness, and he cannot understand it, because it is judged spiritually. – 1 Corinthians 2:14

In ministry, I meet people without dreams. Sometimes, they don’t have goals because they believe they’re not worthy to aspire for something higher. They see themselves as prisoners condemned to go through the routines of eating, working, sleeping—without purpose.

Sometimes, they don’t have goals because they’ve had goals before that were never fulfilled, and they were crushed and don’t want to dream anymore. Still, some people think—especially those who call themselves “spiritual”—that to dream is to be worldly. But we were designed to dream. Why do I believe this?

Three reasons: First, God is a God of purpose. He moves with intentionality. And we’re made in God’s image. So we, too, are a people of purpose. Second, if God is a God of purpose, then He has dreams for our lives. The Bible says that God desires to prosper us (see Jeremiah 29:11). Third, He gave us the ability to dream, so He must want us to use it. We’re the only creatures on earth that can create a picture in our mind about a desired future. Animals operate on instinct alone, but man can operate on both instinct and intention.

Friend, embrace God’s dreams for you and live a life of purpose. Bo Sanchez (

Reflect: “Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” (Roy T. Bennett)

Lord, keep Your dreams alive in my heart and help me fulfill them.

St. Giles, abbot, pray for us.

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