
Saturday, August 8, 2020



“Because of the littleness of your faith, for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there.’” – Matthew 17:20, NASB

In August 2018, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was immediately caught in a whirl of tests, a surgery, chemotherapy sessions, and seemingly endless daily radiation treatments.

There were days when I feared that I wasn’t praying enough.

Am I doing enough to merit the Lord’s healing? Am I saying the right prayers and in sufficient amounts? I wasn’t sure if I had enough faith to claim my healing.

But the Lord used the verse above to remind me that all I need is faith as tiny as a mustard seed. At a pilgrimage we joined some years back, our tour guide showed us a mustard seed. It was tiny indeed, only about one to two millimeters in diameter.

It amazed me that Jesus doesn’t require us to have faith as big as a swimming pool or as deep as the ocean. All He asks of us is to have teeny-weeny faith.

Why? Because the power to heal doesn’t come from my faith but from the Lord’s faithfulness.

Jesus, I claim Your healing! Reng D. Morelos (

Reflect: “The good God does not need years to accomplish His work of love in a soul. One ray from His heart can, in an instant, make His flower bloom for eternity.” (St. Therese of Lisieux)

Lord Jesus, help me grow in my faith. Let me learn to just put my cares into Your hands.

St. Dominic, priest, pray for us.

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