
Wednesday, August 26, 2020




On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked . . . – 2 Thessalonians 3:8 

I went to bed the night before with chest palpitations. When I rose from bed that morning, I felt the room spinning. I got back to bed while weighing in my mind: Should I or should I not attend the meeting with our distributors? It was a crucial meeting. Thankfully, I have an understanding boss who advised me to just rest.

I was still dizzy and sleepy the next day and noticed that I was getting despondent. Do I still want to subject myself to so much stress? I can already retire; why am I still doing all this? And for what?

I googled about the new additional medicine I was taking for essential tremor (a degenerative nerve disorder causing uncontrollable shaking in different parts of the body). In my case, it’s my head that’s affected. I found out that the dizziness, palpitations, and despondency were side effects of the medicine.

I decided to forego that particular medicine. Of course, I need to balance my condition with enough rest, sleep, and less stress so my condition won’t worsen fast.

Every kind of suffering helps us grow in faith. I felt that essential tremor is going to be mine. Literally losing one’s life for God’s purpose may be too grand, but we can choose to do it in small ways so we can continue to serve Him who gave us our very life. Tess V. Atienza (

Reflect: In what small way can you lose yourself for the Lord today?

Dearest Jesus, I continue to offer myself in the service of Your Kingdom.

Blessed Thomas Percy, pray for us.

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