
Tuesday, August 25, 2020




Jesus continues His teaching against the leaven of the scribes and Pharisees. They were very much wanting in their essential practice of the laws. They lacked witnessing in what they taught. The laws were relegated to mere compliance rather than being life-changing and spiritually-uplifting commands from God.

These are old sayings—words must be put into action; beliefs must be lived; walk the talk; mean what you say and say what you mean. Yet, they are difficult to fulfill. Life is not just about words. Words are symbols which represent realities, and those realities must be lived.

Compliance is a detached application of the law. It may be externally good but internally amounts to nothing. Unfortunately or fortunately, God’s commandments are not concerned with mere compliance and externals. They are meant to make us good and holy. They help us attain salvation. Thus, they must not only be heard and uttered; they must be enfleshed.

Christian life is neither easy nor hard. It is about living what is believed. Christian faith is a relationship with God. He is not just an idea. God is a Spirit and once became a person in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us make our faith a relationship and not mere compliance. Let us relate with God. Fr. Benny Tuazon

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ----------

Which among Christ’s teachings do you find hard to follow?

Make me faithful to Your teachings, Lord, that I may truly live. Amen.

Today, I pray for: ________________________

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