
Thursday, August 27, 2020




Jesus introduces the faithful servant who remains vigilant while his master is away. The servant is entrusted with the master’s property because he was found responsible. Jesus also describes the wicked servant who was found bullying his fellow servants and eating and drinking while the master is away. The latter servant is punished for being imprudent and irresponsible.

The parable is meant to refer to the leaders of the Church—then and now. The issue is not really about having been carried away by the events but in easily resting on some laurels or being defeated by some failures. Spiritual life is a marathon, not a sprint. We run a lot of races and we need to win them all. The devil is always there to tempt us to be complacent and satisfied with one or two victories. We need to sustain our holiness and good moral standing. Holiness is not only a goal. Holiness is a way of life.

The past teachings of the Lord tell us that the devil can strike anytime. Once we are caught flatfooted, we can never elude it. It is partly why God did not tell us when the end time is or when Jesus will come again. It is certain that He will return. It is certain that Judgment Day will come. The best preparation is to be vigilant.

Let us see each day as the last day of our lives. Let us treat each day as the day of reckoning. When we do, we need not be afraid. The faithful child of God anticipates the coming of the Lord with joy and enthusiasm. The child of God is excited and looks forward to that glorious meetingFr. Benny Tuazon

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ----------

If today is the last day of your life, how will you live it?

May the cares of the world not distract me from what’s most important —meeting You on the day of reckoning, Lord. Amen.

Today, I pray for: _________________________

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