
Sunday, August 9, 2020




The Church, like the disciples in the boat in today’s Gospel reading, goes through challenges, failures, and successes. Enemies and critics try to toss and sink Her. Some of Her members are like Peter who believe they have enough faith to face and deal with every assault on the Church but falter after experiencing pains and threats to their lives. The Gospel scene shows only part of what the Church goes through, but the message is still the same. The Church was founded by the Lord Jesus and He will not let it be trampled upon.

Persecution continues to this day, both from the inside and outside. Criticisms are hurled against Her and Her members, and it is the time for all of us to be true Christians. Leaders and members of the Church should respond the way Christ responded to His enemies—with patience, love, mercy, compassion, and peace. Violence has no place in the Christian life. The goal is not to just defeat the enemy but to win them to the fold, too.

The faith of Her members is also threatened. At times, their faith wanes and weakens from attacks or in the face of danger and possible persecution. But there are those who are faithful till the end. They are sources of inspiration for the rest of us. Jesus, the Apostles, and the early Christians suffered even worse. Jesus was always with them. No wonder, Jesus was called “Emmanuel,” which stands for “God is with us!” With Jesus, the martyrs, and the faithful members of the faith, our faith is kept alive.

In and through all the Church’s life and ministry, we have the Lord. Every day we encounter and receive Him in the Eucharist. His words are available in the book called the Bible. We also meet Him in the priest and in our neighbors. Like how He appeared and what He said to the disciples at sea on a boat, we must always have courage against all attacks and threats to our faith. “It is the Lord!” He is with us and will always guide us. After all, we don’t fight for our lives alone. We fight for our faith, our destiny, and our salvation. Fr. Benny Tuazon

---------- REFLECTION QUESTION ---------

How do you keep your faith intact when you are criticized for trying to live it out amidst contrary beliefs and practices?

Strengthen my faith, Lord. Amen.

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