
Friday, August 7, 2020


“For if you want to save your own life, you will lose it; but if you lose your life for my sake, you will find it.” – Matthew 16:25, GNT

I had the privilege of going to the Holy Land for a pilgrimage. It was such an amazing experience walking in the land where Jesus walked.

We visited the Sea of Galilee, so beautiful and teeming with life. We also went to the Dead Sea where, as its name states, everything is dead due to the high concentration of minerals in its water.

Why is one dead and one full of life when both of them get water from the same source, which is Mount Hermon? It’s because the Sea of Galilee receives water and lets it flow to other streams, while the Dead Sea just receives and has no outlet.

It’s amazing how this also applies to our lives. When we live our lives just for ourselves, we end up dead and alone. When we get stuck with pain and hatred in our hearts, we end up dead and alone. But when we live our lives thinking about others and how we can give more and love more, then we find ourselves living our lives to the fullest.

Today, give more so you can love more. Love more so you can live more. Monching Bueno (

Reflect: Do you still have buried pains from the past? It’s time to let go. It’s time to move on. It’s time to live again.

Jesus, thank You for the chance to live again through Your mercy and love. Help us to forgive like You have forgiven us. Help us to move on and live for others. Amen.

St. Cajetan, priest, pray for us.

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