
Sunday, August 23, 2020




“For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father.” – Matthew 16:17

In 2012, I wrote Voices in the Theater. It was my first time to write a fictional novel on spiritual warfare. I had my outline and I’d done my research: dozens of psychology books, spiritual books, and books on quantum physics. I even sought out a few exorcist priests, just to be sure.

But when I started writing chapter 18, I had a major problem. My main character was being attacked by demons, and her only ability was to hear them. How was she supposed to win?

Yes, she was supposed to get a happy ending. But I had no idea how she’d get it. After much stress, I prayed and took a nap.

Three hours later, the solution to everything became perfectly clear. I wrote the rest of the book, my character got her victory . . . and it wasn’t because of me.

Writing a book is just like life: You know you want a happy ending, but many times you don’t know how to get there.

When we realize that we’ll always receive guidance if only we ask for it, we finally understand that God is always cowriting our life story. And that is always good news. Aileen Santos (

Reflect: What chapter of your life are you struggling with right now? How can you open yourself to accepting more of God’s guidance?

Dear Lord, Author of my life, help me to calm my heart and listen to Your voice. Amen.

St. Rose of Lima, virgin, pray for us.

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