
Thursday, September 8, 2016


Besides Jesus our Lord, only two people have the privilege of having their birthdays commemorated in the Christian calendar: John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary. John is son to Elizabeth and Zechariah, a cousin of Jesus, and the one who prepared the way of the Lord. Of him Jesus said, “I say to you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John” (Luke 7:28).
       Mary, of course, is the mother of Jesus. Because of the singular privilege of being the mother of the Son of God, Scriptures spoke of the perpetual honor to be given her. “From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me — holy is his name” (Luke 1:49).
       Today, Catholic tradition celebrates the feast of Mary’s nativity. The Bible actually records nothing of Mary’s birth. Our knowledge of her parents being Joachim and Anne comes from books that are a part of our pious tradition but not included in the official list of inspired books. But her feast invites us to look into the “birth” of Mary into her mission as the Mother of God.
       In that sense, Mary, the Mother of God and perfect disciple, has many nativities: At the moment of her fiat when she proclaimed, “I am the maid servant of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word…” (Luke 1:38); at the presentation when Simeon predicted that a sword shall pierce her heart (see Luke 2:33-35); at the wedding of Cana where she led everyone to Jesus (see John 2:1-5); at the foot of the cross, where she stood courageously by her Son when the Apostles (except John) abandoned Him (see John 19:25-27). If the joy of births is always accompanied by the pain of love and commitment, then Mary has been born over and over again.
       Roses will be offered today at Masses commemorating the nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. More than the roses, offer your heart to Mama Mary that she may share with you her courageous embrace of her mission. Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: Have you discovered your mission that will lead to your own nativity?
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen.

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