
Monday, September 19, 2016

“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” - Daily Reflections September 19, 2016

When I was still in the seminary, there was always a year-end tribute to the seniors who have finished their seminary formation. Some of them would be ordained, some would opt to take a break prior to ordination, and some would decide to discern continuously for maybe other options in life.
       When it was time to say thanks to the seminary priest formators, I noticed one thing in the thanksgiving speeches they gave. It would usually run something like this: “I thank Father for being a co-journeyer,” “I thank the Fathers for the times they ate, played and prayed with us,” “I thank Father for showing us how to be a priest of Jesus Christ.”
       What do those words mean? It seems that seminarians remember not so much what we said in our homilies, discussed in our lectures, or developed in our conferences and recollections. What they remembered most and left a deep imprint were what we did together with them.
       Today, Jesus reminds the multitude before Him that they are the light of the world, a lamp that is lit not to be hidden but to be brought out in the open to give light and be seen. Besides priests and those in the religious life, all baptized Christians share in the priesthood of Christ. The Catechism of the Catholic Church calls this the common priesthood of the baptized. We proclaim the Gospel of Christ not so much with words as with the conduct of our lives.
       What we say is audible only to several pairs of ears. What we do, however, is visible to innumerable pairs of eyes. Actions evangelize better than words. Fr. Joel Jason
REFLECTION QUESTION: In Evangelii Nuntiandi #41, Pope Paul VI wrote: “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” In what category do you belong to?
Lord Jesus, I humbly declare, I am not ashamed of the Gospel. Grant me grace to live by it.

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