
Monday, October 26, 2015

Do you seek the comforts of the flesh in your life? Or are you aware of the trickery of the flesh and develop strategies to combat it? - Daily Reflections October 26,2015

How many times has your alarm clock gone off and you simply rolled over and went back to sleep even though you knew that you need to get up and do a number of important things that day?
       This is precisely the dynamic that is always at work in our faith lives.  Many times, we are faced with the choice of approaching a situation through the grace of faith or in the “non-grace” of the flesh. The attraction of the flesh is usually strong and insistent; that of grace is often drowned out by the attractions of the world and the flesh. We have to learn how to recognize and avail of the moments of grace in our lives in order to put to death the ways of the flesh that can never lead us to true and lasting fulfillment.
       Paul has experienced this in his own life. He was once a persecutor of Christians when he lived under the power of the flesh and under his own wisdom and power. Once he met Jesus, he knew everything had to change. The Christian life is the constant choice to die to the ways and attractions of the flesh and the world and to embrace the truth that is encapsulated in the life and values of the Kingdom of God.
       We can never let down our guard against the flesh (that is, roll over and dream of the extra couple of minutes of lying in bed that too often turns into a much longer time) because when we allow it to have control over us, we will be led along paths of destruction and frustration rather than beauty and fulfillment.
       It is not an easy road to follow but it is a necessary one if we want our faith and relationship with God to grow. Let us always choose the way of the Spirit of God and never the path of the flesh. Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Do you seek the comforts of the flesh in your life? Or are you aware of the trickery of the flesh and develop strategies to combat it?
Father, You desire the best for me. Help me to learn how to live under the grace of the Spirit and to deny the flesh any hold in my life.

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