
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Where do you go to satisfy your life’s thirsts and to refresh your tired spirit? - Daily Reflections March 17,2015

In the Philippines, water may not always evoke images of cleansing and purification, of thirst-quenching and life, of pleasantness and delight. For many, even slight rains will trigger traumatic memories of the strongest and deadliest typhoon ever to hit the country, the super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) of November 8, 2013. The fury of a raging storm causes harm and destruction. Notwithstanding such adverse images, though, water does have its positive qualities.
         Both our readings today from the prophet Ezekiel and the Gospel of John contain references to water, specifically to the waters of the Jerusalem Temple (the Pool of Bethesda, in the case of the Gospel). The First Reading is a description of the future Temple, with plenteous flowing water and fertile abundance. The Gospel mentions the popular belief concerning the healing waters of the Pool of Bethesda, where “a large number of ill, blind, lame, and crippled” lay in its five porticoes.
         Unfortunately, the account of Jesus’ cure of a sick man there ends on a sad note: “The Jews began to persecute Jesus...” — all because they accused Him of violating the Sabbath.
         We, too, have been saved and cleansed by the grace-filled waters of baptism. But sadly, we often violate our baptismal status as children of God with every sin we commit. It is like exchanging the life-giving and purifying qualities of water for the ones of destruction and damage.
         That being so, let us allow the waters of God’s grace to wash away and even destroy all that is not in keeping with His commands. Let us also allow such waters to quench our life’s thirsts, and nourish and replenish us as well, as we struggle through our moments of weakness. Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB
REFLECTION QUESTION: Where do you go to satisfy your life’s thirsts and to refresh your tired spirit?
You alone can quench my thirst, O Lord. Help me to always remember to go to You when I am in need of the life-giving water that You offer.

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